Matías Fabeiro

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Know me better

Hi there! I'm Matías, a passionate Frontend Developer born in Argentina. Welcome to my portfolio!
With over 3 years of experience in developing and maintaining web applications, I specialize in merging design with technology. My background in Multimedia Design has provided me with a solid foundation in aesthetics and technical skills, which I apply to my work in frontend development.
Throughout my career, I've successfully collaborated with diverse teams, consistently delivering high-quality digital experiences. Whether it's optimizing a web app for better performance or ensuring a seamless user journey, I love when I resolve a problem that was keeping me thinking on how to solve it (who doesn't?) and bringing creative ideas to life.

One of my most notable projects, as for now, was working in Gloouds, where I learned a lot and I was able to create new functionalities from scratch or update old ones, as well as improving the performance of the web app.
I pride myself on my ability to communicate effectively and foster great relationships with my teammates, which I believe is key to driving successful projects.

Feel free to explore my portfolio and get in touch if you'd like to discuss potential collaborations or just say hello.
Let's create something amazing together!

Photo of Matias Fabeiro

Want to see some of my projects?


Gloouds image

Rojo Agency

Rojo Agency image


Eter image


MaFlix image

Challenge Coin Gecko API

Challenge Coin Gecko API image

Here are some of my tech skills


React icon


JavaScript icon

Next js

Next js icon


TypeScript icon

Node js (basics)

Node js (basics) icon

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS icon


CSS icon


HTML icon


Git icon

React Router DOM

React Router DOM icon


BitBucket icon


Trello icon

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